Teaching and Learning at Priory

We take our approach to learning very seriously at Priory and our team of dedicated teachers are committed to exploring a variety of learning styles for our bright and creative children.

Planning is done in teams so that innovative and productive lessons are well prepared for the learners. Identifying the skills children have learnt and mastered is a key focus and helps us cater for the range of abilities in each class. We believe that children learn more when they feel they are included and invested in the lesson. Therefore group/pair work, peer feedback and child-centred learning are critical at Priory.

Priory has invested in many resources to ensure that a variety of learning opportunities are available, from smartboards to subject-specific equipment or online learning solutions. Teachers are well versed in using visuals, rotation stations, outdoor investigations, experiments, research activities and the flip classroom method to inspire and engage their children.

Our mixed ability groups mean that teachers are well versed in effective differentiation, and create a learning environment where children learn from each other which is incredibly beneficial as many children listen and understand each other better than when an adult explains things to them. It allows a fuller exchange of ideas and facilitates real collaboration amongst the children. This, in turn, offers leadership opportunities and tests their teamwork – all essential skills for the world we live in.

That’s really what we do best at Priory, prepare global citizens to think, create, collaborate and achieve!


Extending and challenging children is vital if we are to have happy children. Nurturing a growth mindset in our children is central to the learning process and is communicated and explained to the children on a continual basis. Our children know that some have strengths in certain areas, but know that they too can develop these skills with hard work and dedication. Furthermore, through self-reflection and peer feedback, our learners understand that making mistakes is all part of the learning process.

When the time comes for entrance exams to secondary school, Priory has focused classes to prepare each child for the process of timed examinations. These classes remove the mystery of exams and make them more accessible to the children, and help Priory students gain offers to study at the best secondary schools.

Pastoral Care

Ensuring that children feel happy and safe in school is central to day to day operations at Priory. To this end, we have a robust and effective safeguarding policy which is followed by all staff and is revisited regularly. In addition, we do a regular ‘health check’ with the children to see how they are managing in school. It offers pupils an opportunity to give feedback on their experience at Priory anonymously and ensures that we hear each child. In addition, our Head Boy of 2020/21 (Mr Demlade Runsewe) left suggestion boxes for his younger counterparts so that their voices would be heard in years to come. These boxes are checked weekly by our Head Teacher and all ideas are considered and valued.

Termly Parent Conferences also help the school understand parents’ concerns and allow us to work together with families to get the best out of their children.

Anti-bullying is part of the safeguarding programme and is supported by ensuring the children are aware of what bullying is, what it looks like, sounds like and feels like. Teachers use PSHE and circle time to assist the children with their conflict resolution skills.

There are four Houses in school and House meetings are held once a week so that children can review their work, their performance, their behaviour and their achievements. It allows for dialogue amongst the children and helps the children to develop a sense of belonging and responsibility to the House.

Priory has a code of conduct which is clearly communicated to the children and parents at the beginning of the year. Part of this includes a reward system where the children are celebrated for their work, their behaviour and their overall achievements.