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The Priory Homework

The Priory Preparatory School believes that homework can be valuable and worthwhile when it meets certain criteria.
However, we also recognise the need for family and leisure time and try to ensure that homework is not onerous.

There has been extensive research done on the benefits of homework, but some research has revealed that a bad attitude to homework can be counter-productive in the learning process.

It is vital that homework is pitched at the correct level, that it is motivational, accessible to all children, and that it does not take up all their spare time. Homework given without the right planning can cause negativity and often conflict at home, undermining the values listed above.

Homework is given for a variety of reasons:
  • Reinforces and helps learners retain information
  • Develops study habits and independent learning
  • Benefits factual knowledge, self-discipline, attitudes to learning, and problem-solving skills
  • Provides continuity between lessons, consolidating learning, and preparing for the next class
  • School can involve parents in the learning process as it creates a link between home and school
  • Can be a useful form of assessment
At The Priory, homework is beneficial and effective due to the following practices:
  • Teachers explain the purpose of the work
  • It is relevant, interesting, and varied
  • Individual learning styles are taken into account
  • Realistic time frames are set
  • It is relevant to classroom learning
  • Homework might take forms other than the written word
  • Children’s ideas on homework are listened to, taking into account resources that are available to all children
  • Homework may connect learning to real-life tasks making it more relevant and interesting
  • Our feedback helps motivate the learner
At The Priory, we utilize various types of homework, each suited for a particular purpose. These include:
  • Workbook tasks for consolidation and mechanical practice better suited for home
  • Preparation tasks: bringing in materials related to the next topic. This is a version of the Flipped classroom approach
  • Reading and related materials for guided reading
  • Real-world tasks: growing a plant, budgeting, instructions
  • Project work where the children understand and know what is expected, where independent thought and work can be rewarded.

Priory homework is beneficial to children, as it creates a link between school and home. We encourage you to use it as a means of engaging with your child to find out their strengths, areas for improvement, interests, and talents – becoming a more enjoyable and productive exercise for all.

We always encourage parents to reach out to their teachers if homework is proving to be difficult at home; as we can assist in making necessary changes. Our collaborative approach in this, as in other areas, ensures Priory children benefit from a strong home/school relationship.